56 Vacancies Are Open In Romania/Europe:

latest jobs in romania
latest jobs in romania

The famous company of Romania recently announced large number of posts in the different area or fields of work. This is the best opportunity to those who are looking to find a job in Europe.

Romania offering a good amount of salaries to the all workers of different fields. Besides this Residence, Medical, Insurance, Transport and other benefits like extra time will be provided.

Currently jobs that are open in Romania include Construction Engineer, Mason, Sheff, Construction Worker, Plaster Board Fitter and Electrician.

(Note: If you have not skills of these relevant Jobs then you can check out our other offers that do not need any special skill or education:

But If you are skillful in these jobs which are currently open in Romania then have a keep look on the following details below:

Job Title:

  1. Construction Engineer
  2. Sheff
  3. Construction Worker
  4. Plaster Board Fitter
  5. Mason
  6. Electrician

Quick Overview:

Job TitleNo. Of PostsSalaries (In RON)
Construction Engineer025800
Construction Worker122400
Plaster Board Fitter103000

Eligibility Criteria:

For applying in these jobs in Romania you should be able to fulfilled the following criteria:

  • First of all you should have a relevant experience in the post for which you are applying.
  • You should have valid passport and other documents that are necessary to move Europe.
  • If you have previous Gulf Experience then you will be preferred.

For all these posts you have to join Romania with the contract of at least 2 years. Your duty time will be 8 hours per day and 6 days in a week.

How To Apply?

Anyone who have a relevant experience in the vacant posts can submit their query or CV to the following e-mail address:

E-Mail: deployment.pk@gmail.com

Tel: 042-99230338 | 042-37363765

Phone: 0323-5222250 | 0324-5222250


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