300 General Helper & Labour Jobs In UAE

uae helper jobs
latest uae helper jobs

Large number of New opportunities has been opened in UAE for General Helpers and Labour. This best opportunities is suitable for those who have not any proper skill in any filed or less educated.

This great opportunity is offered by the most famous company of UAE “DULSCO”. DULSCO have more than 11000 Employees and hundreds of different categories of works. DULSCO working and hiring in UAE from a long period of time. This is a good opportunity for you to join DULSCO as soon as possible.

For these General Helper and labour jobs you should have only basic high school education with some understanding of English Language Only.

At the moment DULSCO announced 100 Jobs for General Helper and 200 Jobs for Labour. You can select anyone of them and can work with the comapany.

If you are in the age range of 20 to 39 then you can join this Dulsco with the contract of at least 2 years.

For Complete requirements, procedure of apply and other information of DULSCO have a look on the following details below:

Job Title:

  1. General Helper
  2. General Labour

Quick Overview:

Post NamesSalaries (In UAE Dirham)Number Of Post
General Helper975 + Overtime100
Labour850 + Overtime200

General Helper:

If you are able to handle materials, cleaning of offices and home areas then you can easily apply for this job.

Educational Criteria:

If you have only High School Certificate i.e; Matric then you can easily apply.


For this post you should be able to do different labour tasks of factories, offices, or any other required by company.

Educational Criteria:

There is also only high school certificate requires for applying in DULSCO.

(Note: If you are not fulfilling criteria of this jobs or if you are not interested in this offer, you can check other amazing offers here: GULF OFFERS | QATAR OFFERS | CANADA OFFERS )


DULSCO facilities their employees with the following bounces:

  • Free Residence
  • Free Food
  • Free Medical
  • Facility to work Over time.
  • Other General facilities which are involved in the general basic labour law of UAE.

How To Apply?

If you fulfilled all the above basic requirements of DULSCO then you can contact company on its official website also and contact is given below:

Tel: 051-4575337

Phone: 0346-4883300 / 0320-4883300


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