Make Money By Content Writing

method of earning by content writing
method of earning by content writing

This century is century of revaluation the greatest of all these revolutions is Internet. The World of today is the world of smart phones. Smartphone has enabled us to get ourselves touched with the world. Smartphone is not only a great source of recreation but also it is great source of income.

There are number of ways by which money can be made by smartphones. One of these ways is making money by Content Writing

There are following number of ways by which one can make money by content writing

  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Google Adsence
  • Selling Content on Fiver
  • Working as Content writer for Brannds
  • Contant writer

Google Adsence

One of the most wonderful ways to make money by content writing is making it by Google AdSense. For that first of all you will have to get your website approved by Google Adsence.

Once you get that approved by Google AdSense ads will start to show on your content. As ads start to show on your website your income will start. Once the income is start then you will have to bring traffic to website. More powerful the content you have more traffic you will get on site and more you make money. You can also grab traffic by social media , Paid Campaign, etc.

Affiliate Marketing

Secondly, you can also make money by affiliate Marketing. In Affiliate marketing you will promote a brand and sell products of that brand. You will get commission on each sale that you make by affiliate marketing.

In case you have command over SEO you can draw organic traffic to your website some of this traffic will be converted in making sales. Thus you can make money by that. In case you are a fresh and do not have enough knowledge about SEO than you can also draw paid traffic to your website.


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